Already have a dog or cat and wondering what you can do to reduce their environmental impact?
Here are some tips to 'green' your pet.
1. Feed your pets natural, organic foods that are minimally processed and exclude harsh ingredients like pesticides, antibiotics and artificial ingredients and preservatives. More than just being preventative against the negative effects of non-environmentally-friendly products, the benefits of a diet with high-quality, organic ingredients are seen in the long run, with fewer trips to the veterinarian and a better quality of life
2. Clean up your pets waste with bio-bags and reduce landfill.
3. Keep your cat indoors especially at night and make sure they have a bell attached to their collar.
4. Desex your pets.
5. Use all natural soaps and shampoos on your pet.
6. Donate all used collars and leads to animals shelters.
7. Try giving up meat yourself if you don't want your dog to go vegan