Saturday, October 2, 2010

Poo is a Problem!

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Did you know that Sydney dogs produce over 1000 tonnes of waste every year? Thats ten garbage trucks full every day! According to Waverley Council those are the statistics, check out their Pet Projects site here. Its against the law not to pick up after your dog but many choose to ignore this. Animals waste is detrimental to the environment and can contain bacteria that can contaminate our water supply if left to wash down drains. The best option is to flush your dogs waste down the toilet but biodegradable poop bags or skooperboxes are also great alternatives. Make sure whatever option you choose is biodegradable so the waste doesnt sit in landfill for years.
Owning a pet comes with a lot of responsiblity, so make sure you dispose of your pups poo with the environment in mind!
Click here to check out some great council programs and projects focussing on dog poo, one council has even introduced dung beetles!

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